About John Kavanagh, Director

About John Kavanagh

John founded UK Tax Consulting in 2004.

John has 36 years of experience in nearly all aspects of UK and international tax, advising a wide range of clients from private individuals, owner managed businesses, publicly owned groups, trustees and executors and a Fortune 100 bank.

Before founding UK Tax Consulting, John worked initially for HMRC and then spent 7 years with Deloitte, where he qualified as a Chartered Tax Adviser. He subsequently took up positions as a specialist tax partner in a Top 10 accountancy firm and as a board director of a City Tax boutique.

As well as being a Chartered Tax Adviser, John is also a member of the Association of Taxation Technicians and has also been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

John has written on many occasions for the professional press, in titles such as Taxation, Tax Journal, the Journal of International Taxation and Accountancy, and for specialist websites such as Taxationweb.

Here is a selection of John's recent press coverage:



get in touch

Please get in touch with John here.

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